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文章来源:http://www.hzzhbb.cn/ 仁和智华地质标本


in today's era of universal collection, more and more people like to collect some beautiful stones, but there are many kinds of stones. some people like elegant and noble jadeite, some people like bright diamonds, some people like "meteorite". of course, there is a stone can not be ignored, it has no graceful posture, not beautiful color, but it can steal the show, in the exchange market has become the focus, it is the fossils.
palaeontological fossils and geological terms refer to the remains and active remains formed and stored in the strata during the prehistoric geological history of the mankind, including fossils, fossils and fossils of plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and so on. it is the evidence of the history of the earth and the scientific basis for the study of biological origin and evolution. unlike cultural relics, paleontological fossils are important geological relics, and are precious and non renewable natural heritage in china.
fossil plants are only stones from the surface, but experts in professional fields will find that these fossils not only enjoy the value of artistic appreciation, but also help the world learn and understand the mysteries of all things. these fossils contain immeasurable scientific and cultural values.
the collection is numbered as follows: zx171176, weight: 87.2g. fossils are paleontological remains or relics retained in rocks, and biogenic residues of organic molecules. the most common are bones and shells. fossils, the bodies, relics, or remains of ancient creatures are buried in the ground and turned into stone like things. this collection of texture clear, yellowish brown, natural grass surface forming lines, vivid vivid, rare. 