
当前位置:hjc888黄金城官网 > 企业新闻 > 我国发现全球首个3d翼龙胚胎化石标本
文章来源:http://www.hzzhbb.cn/ 仁和智华地质标本


not long ago, chinese academy of vertebrate paleontology and paleoanthropology, academy of sciences at the university of china researcher wang xiaolin led the xinjiang team in hami, xinjiang hami gobi lower cretaceous strata in the discovery and rescue a collection of more than 200 pieces of eggs, embryos and pterosaur bones preserved specimens of three in one important. among them, 16 pterosaur eggs contain three dimensional fossils of embryos, the first discovery of 3d pterosaurs in the world.

in december 1, 2017, american journal of science published an important achievement on the discovery of hami pterosaur eggs and embryos by the international cooperation team of scientists from china and brazil. this is another important discovery after the discovery of a large number of male and male pterosaurs and the first three dimensional preserved pterosaurs in the world in gobi, hami, in 2014.



the day before, "economic daily" reporter with the wang xiaolin team to xinjiang hami, quest "pterosaur park". follow their footsteps and go and see it together.


a forerunner of flight



the pterosaurs belong to reptiles with unique skeletal structural features and are "air supremacy" that flew to the sky 70 million years earlier than birds.



