
当前位置:hjc888黄金城官网 > 企业新闻 > 矿物标本收藏谨防放射性危害
文章来源:http://www.hzzhbb.cn/ 仁和智华地质标本


in recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's material living standards, cultural life has also undergone significant changes, and the heat and quality of collections are also increasing year by year. there are many kinds of collections. at present, the comparatively convergent collections can be divided into four categories: natural history, art history, humanistic history and popular science history. they can be divided into cultural relics, jewelry, famous stones and ornamental stones, coins, stamps, documents, stamps, stamps, trademarks, badges, specimens, ceramics and jades. painting. ore and mineral collections are specimens of collections, which are both scientific and artistic. for mineral and mineral collections, different collectors have different purposes. some collect as hobbies, cultivate sentiment, some for study and research, some as a way to earn a living, some for investment, become a beautiful hard currency and so on.


for the collection of ore and mineral specimens, one of the key details is the radioactivity of these specimens. generally speaking, the living environment of human beings is full of radiation. natural radioactive elements are the components of nature. there are different amounts of radioactive elements in rocks, ores, soil, water, atmosphere and even human body. these natural trace radioactive elements are the natural origin. bottom radiation, which is a part of the natural balance system, will not endanger human health, because human beings and other life have adapted to the background radiation environment in the process of evolution. however, it is self-evident that excessive radiation is harmful to human body. in fact, the vast majority of ore and mineral specimens that people usually come into contact with are not or contain trace radioactivity. only a few ore and mineral containing radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium have strong radioactivity. it reminds us that when collecting these ore and mineral specimens, we must raise awareness of prevention and reduce unnecessary harm. 1.矿石标本收藏 1. collection of ore specimens 与黑色岩系有关的矿产(如磷、钒、锰、重晶石等)矿石标本收藏时要特别小心,因为黑色岩系中赋存众多的亲铜、亲铁、分散、铂族、放射性及稀土等元素,同时,黑色岩系具有极强的吸附能力,往往含有离子吸附态的铀,有的可以达到工业品位;与伟晶岩有关的矿产(包含锂、铍、铖、钼、铷、铯、铪等多种稀有元素等)矿石标本收藏亦要注意,因为伟晶岩往往是稀有、稀土元素矿床的重要母岩,而且放射性元素(铀、钍)经常与稀土、稀有元素共同富集(照片1),常常形成独立放射性矿物(晶质铀矿、铀钍石等),有时可以形成放射性元素矿床。大家要特别注意,铀矿石是具有放射性危险的,还是少接触为妙。

mineral samples related to black rock series (such as phosphorus, vanadium, manganese, barite, etc.) should be collected with special care, because black rock series contains many elements such as copper, ferrophile, dispersed, platinum group, radioactivity and rare earth. at the same time, black rock series has very strong adsorption capacity and often contains uranium as ionic adsorbed state. some can reach industrial grade; mineral samples of pegmatite-related minerals (including lithium, beryllium, thorium, molybdenum, rubidium, cesium, hafnium and other rare elements) should also be noted, because pegmatite is often an important parent rock of rare and rare earth element deposits, and radioactive elements (uranium, thorium) are often associated with rare earth and rare earth elements. element co-enrichment (photo 1) often forms independent radioactive minerals (crystalline uranium ore, uranium thorite, etc.) and sometimes radioactive element deposits. particular attention should be paid to whether uranium ore is radioactive or less exposed. 2.矿物标本收藏 2. collection of mineral specimens


most mineral crystals are non-radioactive. only a few minerals containing radioactive elements such as uranium and thorium are radioactive. most of them are radioactive minerals which look very beautiful. they often have brilliant colors and emit bright fluorescence under ultraviolet light, such as granular lead-uranium ore, uranium tellurite, uranium silicate, etc. if necessary. in the selection of the most beautiful and moving minerals in the world, uranium minerals rank first in the list. it is known as the "rose" in the mineral family.


by collecting and analyzing the data of predecessors, 23 kinds of minerals with strong radioactive hazards have been preliminarily sorted out.


one is nine uranium minerals, including crystalline uranium ore, pitchblende, uranium black, titanium-uranium ore, silica-perovskite-uranium ore, copper-uranium mica, perovskite-uranium mica, vanadium-calcium-uranium ore and vanadium-potassium-uranium ore (photo 2). these minerals are usually powdery, earthy aggregates, black, grey-black or dark grey, yellowish-brown, or light green or yellowish-green, with hardness ranging from 1-5, resin gloss, pearl gloss, glass gloss to semi-metallic gloss. these minerals are generally highly radioactive due to their high uranium content.


the second is six rare earth minerals, including yttrium niobium, yttrium phosphate, yttrium silicate, yttrium lignite, niobium calcite and diluted gold ore. the hardness of these minerals is higher than that of all kinds of uranium minerals, generally between 4 and 7. they are darker in color, such as black, green-black, dark-brown, yellowish-brown, grey and red, turpentine and glass gloss to resin gloss, glass or semi-metallic gloss. these minerals vary in radioactivity depending on their radioelement content. for example, niobium-yttrium ores, mainly composed of iron, uranium, yttrium rare earth elements and other elements, contain 23% uranium dioxide, so they have strong radioactivity; yttrium-silica ores generally contain 51.8% yttrium trioxide, often contain other rare earth elements and thorium, and have strong radioactivity; niobium-calcium ores contain 71% niobium pentoxide, with weak radioactivity.


thirdly, eight rare earth minerals, including calcite, monazite, pyrochlore, phoenix, thorite, epidote, thorite and zircon, are commensurate with "stone". they are usually complex in composition and have dark shades of black, grey, brown and brown-red.

