
当前位置:hjc888黄金城官网 > 企业新闻 > 人类对矿物标本的一些使用
文章来源:http://www.hzzhbb.cn/ 仁和智华地质标本

  矿物标本是保持了实物原样或原生状态,可供人学习、研究、观赏的矿物样本。矿物标本必须达到以下三个条件:一、带少量基岩,矿物的主体保持原生状态无损伤;   二、能鲜明体现该矿物的特征,主要矿物突出,晶型奇特;  三、主要矿物和伴生、共生矿物组合一起造型好,色彩对比鲜明醒目,整体观赏性强。

mineral specimen is a kind of mineral specimen that can be studied, studied and appreciated by human beings, which keeps the original or original state of the object. the mineral specimen must meet the following three conditions: first, with a small amount of bedrock, the main body of the mineral remains in its original state without damage; second, it can clearly reflect the characteristics of the mineral, with prominent main minerals and peculiar crystal form; third, the main minerals and associated and symbiotic minerals have a good combination of modeling, distinctive color contrast and strong overall ornamental.
in fact, our life is full of minerals. minerals are also the most precious gift of nature to human beings. they are rich resources on the earth. in various industries, more or less, they have certain utilization resources for minerals. the utilization of minerals by human beings is very extensive, especially in the refining industry. it is necessary to extract useful elements from minerals and refine them into metal materials needed by various industries.
the use of minerals is also in place, such as the use of electronic properties of minerals, using copper as a conductive material in wires. there are also square lead stone as the main photoelectric conversion material of near-infrared, used for satellite detection, military detective, etc., quartz has piezoelectric properties, used for radar, communication. our use of minerals is reflected in many aspects. minerals provide convenience and help for our lives.